NUFiltration Ltd. is a young, innovative, dynamic global company with one main drive:
to spread and apply the NUF® technology in the field of water and waste water treatment.
The NUF® technology is based on a worldwide granted patent which provides for the reuse of sterilized medical devices - UltraFiltration filters at 3.3 nm nominal filtration rate - in the field of water treatment.

NUF is a new revolutionary way to filter and sanitize water in one sole and unique pass, at an extremely competitive cost. The NUF membrane provides one of the best filtration and cut-off rates available in the market, assuring an rejection of all pollutants in the water which are bigger than 30 nm (=0.03 µ). Pathogens, parasites, bacteria, suspended solids, most of the organic matters and most viruses are retained from permeating the membrane thanks to the excellent and almost unbeatable membrane surface quality and accuracy, which was originally designed, manufactured and tested according to the strictest medical standards.
At NUFiltration we design, build and supply engineered plants embedding the NUF technology for the purification of surface water, the upgrade of secondary effluents, the premium treatment of swimming pool water, the recycling of irrigation water in greenhouses and for tens of other application in the water industry – usually providing the best available technology at affordable costs. Wherever filtration and sanitization of the water with no use of chemicals is required – there NUF will provide a valuable solution just with a simple physical mean